The word bluescreening in a marker font superimposed over a star.

Site Update Life Update

26 Jul 2023

WEll. Jesus H Christ, I have finally finished doing the CSS and file structure updates for this site! You’ll notice I’ve made my first forays into Javascript, though I haven’t made them myself. I’ve also decided I’d like to join a couple of webrings perhaps, so if anyone knows any good ones that you think I’d fit into please let me know! I have finally convinced a few IRLs to join Neocities as well which is great! I believe their blogs are now linked from my homepage. I’ll probably do a sweep of the site tomorrow to double check I haven’t missed anything - and perhaps to finally fix the spacing on the navigation bar and make sure everything’s responsive for mobile and such. I hope you guys like the update - it’s been fun working on it!

In terms of my day to day life, not much has changed since my last update. I’ve been unable to find a job so far, so I’ve turned to commissions and trying to sell stuff on Depop to make enough money for next year. It has been nice to spend more time with family again, but honestly I’m ready to get back to uni and my normal life. Being at home is a little stifling and I’m feeling pretty isolated from people my own age. I did Pride again this year, as well as seeing Barbie and the new Spiderverse with some old school friends, but nothing is the same as seeing the same group of people every day for dinner or just out and about. I miss community. On the plus side, I’m going back to Oxford on Friday to meet up with my best friend, which should be nice! And then I get to go to grandma’s for a weekend, which. Is a thing that is happening to me.

I think I’m coming across a little miserable but I’m honestly OK - just a little stressed and missing the joy I’ve found at uni. On the plus side, my art account has grown a bunch thanks to me getting featured on the login screen which is awesome! I’ve also sold a commission, and got two pairs of new jeans to replace the three pairs I have torn in as many months. I think I’m gonna take a break and either play some Splatoon 3 or watch Bill and Ted instead of working tonight. I deserve it.

Love from Blue