The word bluescreening in a marker font superimposed over a star.

Welcome to your new favourite site.

A black and white line drawing of a lesbian eating a burger.

This is, formerly the ugliest website on Neocities, currently the hottest one on GitHub. The name's Blue, and I'll be your guide today through the twisted machinations of my mind... or more likely, your standard bloggerly fare.

Here I post reviews of everything from high sci-fi to weird lesbian punk, how-to guides on my hobbies and the world's least consistently updated blog! All yours to peruse at your leisure. I've built this site from scratch and by hand - quite the feat for an idiot biologist slash professional beefcake - so I appreciate you taking a look around. She's my heart and soul... or something.

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About the webmaster

My name, as far as you're concerned, is Blue, and I'm a twenty-something year old Brit with a passion for biosciences and watersports. I like to outsorce my pronouns to the people who actually have to use them (A.K.A. not me) so go nuts. Media-wise, I'm a fan of anything that can even slightly be considered sci-fi or horror, ideally some combination of the two with a bit of comedy thrown in for spice. I love rock music and making/mutilating my own clothes, and am currently studying for a degree in biology.

I first discovered webdev as a hobby when I got covid really badly, had a terrible fever and designed and built most of a website before regaining consciousness again. I've been maintaining it on and off since then. This latest iteration is hopefully somewhat responsive and aligns with best practices for HTML and CSS. It's also a darn sight more accessible than my old one. Still ugly though. Ugly by design.

Autism blinkie.Dedf1sh blinkie.Fish blinkie.Gender blinkie.Rowing blinkie.Undertale blinkie.Computer blinkie.Nonbinary blinkie.Lesbian blinkie.Star Trek blinkie.Sonic blinkie.Girlfriend blinkie.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why does the website look rubbish?

    Mind your business.

  2. How did you become such a sexy and incredible person?

    I was born like this. Or maybe it was Maybelline?

  3. What hair dye do you use?

    Bleach to as light a blonde as you can manage, then use Manic Panic Rockabilly Blue - but leave it on for like, three hours. Longer if you can stand it. I watched Tremors last time I did that. Decent movie. Anyway, mine's still bright blue and it's been four months now so the method works. Trust.