The word bluescreening in a marker font superimposed over a star.

2020 Vision

20 Aug 2023

Hey, so you know how last time I was hoping I wouldn’t get covid? Well, I got covid! This is pretty much the first day since I got it where I’ve been coherent enough to write a blog, but I’m feeling much better now and hoping to be out tomorrow. My room is absolutely boiling and too small to work out in, so I’ve been trying to minimise the amount of time my computer is on so it doesn’t get too hot. I just about have room to do squats in here so today’s challenge is to see how many of those I can do. The other thing I mentioned last time was the job interview - and thankfully, it went well! I have my induction in a few days and should have a month of solid work. That won’t be enough to comfortably solve all my problems mind you, but hopefully that and the combination of my rapidly-approaching birthday means I will at least be able to return to uni at the end of next month. I have also recieved a small financial prize for doing well in my exams, so that’s a win!

While I’ve been ill, for some reason my fever-ridden idiot brain decided to spend a solid day making mashups. They are not very good. I might do another one today and see if I’m better or worse at it while conscious. They’re all done in Audacity, which is a bitch to work with! Might see about getting my dad’s copy of Ableton which he isn’t using anymore, and his Novation Launchkey. He has all these very useful hyperfixations that go nowhere and then I can steal his expensive equipment. His coffee obsession is particularly nice, as was the bread and the macarons while they lasted.

Currently watching the womens footie between us and Spain. Calling it now, Spain’s gonna win. As much as I love our ladies, Spain is just a better side. Although, we did just save a penalty, so maybe that’s the turning point? Who knows. I think it’s quite funny how I become interested in something as soon as women are involved, although maybe that make sense since I am a woman, at least tangentially? Like, I don’t normally care for romance movies or crime flicks but I did watch Bound (1996) the other day and it was absolutely enticing. A rare bit of butch lesbian representation in a world of two-dimensional femmey losers added for representation points. Thank you to the Wachowski sisters for everything for real.

Welp, I’m off to watch more footie and maybe take a covid test later. Oh, and sort out email permissions so I can actually send out training emails to my club. God that’s gonna be irritating. Have a good day squad!
