The word bluescreening in a marker font superimposed over a star.

You Better Work Bitch

05 Sep 2023

Hello hello! Not much to update on from last time, aside from the fact I’ve started my new job and it’s going well. My coworkers are mostly lovely and shifts are far from hellish so I suppose that’s a win! The real challenge is trying to find a way to cram workouts into my schedule without doing an hour-long erg sesh and weight training immediately before an eight hour shift. Today was alright considering I was on the open and I work in a cinema, but tomorrow’s close might prove a little trickier, especially considering it’s circuits and weights. Maybe I’ll do circuits in the morning and weights when I get there? Hm.

In other news, I turn 20 in a couple of days! It’s nice to have a birthday but frankly I’m not enjoying the ageing thing. Beyond the standard cosmic horror of mortality looming over me, I just don’t like the idea that I’m no longer a teenager. Feels like I have less of an excuse to mess up in life, even though the delineation between 19 and 20 is completely arbitrary and everyone knows that. While none of my friends from home are available to or want to celebrate with me, I’m going to London with my beloved uni friends to celebrate a joint birthday at the Science Museum which should be absolutely lovely. My mum is hoping to get the afternoon off on my birthday itself as well which would be great because we’re super close these days. I also got to hang out with my sister before she gets too busy with her new school year.

I also managed to get Ableton working and am currently learning it. I’m also playing Sonic CD which is now firmly my favourite classic Sonic game. Will be updating my Sonic page on that soon! While updates are naturally gonna get less frequent from now on because I’m busy with work and will be busy with uni, I’m gonna try to keep posting from time to time since I don’t wanna fall out of touch with the lovely Neocities community. Love you guys!

Love from Blue